When is the Village Hall open? Monday through Friday 9 am - 3 pm
Where is the Village Hall located? 110 Oak Street E, Frederic, Wisconsin
What is the mailing address? Village of Frederic PO Box 567, Frederic, WI 54837 Phone 715-327-4294
What forms of payment do you accept? Cash, Check or Credit Card
How can Utility Payments be made?
- In person at the Village Hall during business hours-110 Oak Street E, or in our dropbox at the front of the building (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
- Mail to PO Box 567, Frederic WI 54837.
- Online at govpay.net (there is a fee for this service), or free through doxo billpay if you use your bank account (access both from our Home page).
- We also offer automatic payment, please contact us if you would like more information!
- Find more utility information here.
Who do I contact for Water and Sewer Service? Water and sewer service is provided by the Village of Frederic. Call the Village Hall at 715-327-4294 for account and billing questions. Call Public Works at 715-327-8062 for questions regarding your actual water/sewer service.
How do I get the Electricity turned on at my home? Most properties in the Village of Frederic are served by Northwestern Wisconsin Electric 715-463-5371.
Who provides Natural Gas? WE Energies is the provider for the Village of Frederic (800) 242-9137.
Who provides solid waste collection in the Village? Village property owners are responsible for setting up their own garbage collection agreement with an area provider. The following is a list of providers that service the Frederic area:
Republic Services (715) 234-7744
Waste Management (888) 964-9737
Waterman Sanitation (715) 268-6471
Where do I pay my property taxes? The Village Hall can accept tax payments until the January 31st deadline. From that date on payments should be made to the Polk County Treasurer at 100 Polk County Plaza, Suite 150, 100 County Rd I, Balsam Lake, WI 54810, (715) 485-9255.
Where do I apply for a dog license? Dog licenses are handled by the Village Clerk’s office. Forms are available at the Village hall or in the Forms area of this website. All dogs need a license which is renewed annually by January 31. Neutered/Spayed dog license are $5.00 and Non-Neutered/Spayed dog licenses are $10.00.
How do I find my polling place? Village of Frederic residents vote at the Village Hall 110 Oak Street E, Frederic, WI. Find answers to your election questions here or My Vote Wisconsin.
When are Village Board Meetings held? Village Board Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall.
How do I reserve a park shelter? Please call the Village Hall at 715-327-4294 (or use the Contact Us button at the top of each page on this website) to find out availability and schedule your event.